Tag: unity

Razorlocks Airtime Challenge

Razorlocks Update – Airtime Challenge Mode

I’m happy to reveal a new NPC challenge mode showcased in an early version of Runner’s Ridge! In this one the goal is to catch as much airtime as possible while hitting score multipliers to beat your opponents. A few more similar modes should end up in the final game with some repeat variations of…
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Runner's Ridge

Razorlocks Level Preview – Runner’s Ridge

Here’s an early version of what will become the first level of Razorlocks: Runner’s Ridge! Catch some air from the skate park ramps and run on the elevated track, or participate in a race around the outer terrain loop. Soon there will be even more things to do and interact with here! In the coming…
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Razorlocks being played

Razorlocks Was Near GDC!

I’m posting this a few days late but I’m excited to share that I had the opportunity to have some folks try out Razorlocks in-person at an after party hosted by Gamera Games near the Game Developers Conference! This was the first time I’ve been able to see someone else play the game in person…
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Razorlocks Hub Reveal

Razorlocks Devlog – Hub Reveal

It’s been more than a year since the last update, but I finally have something new to show off for Razorlocks. This is the hub area, a pier perched on the edge of a waterfall where you will be able to select a level to travel to, choose a new outfit, view online leaderboards, or…
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Convex Collider Creator

Convex Collider Creator is Now Open Source!

You can download the asset either as a Unity package or from GitHub. This is what was originally known as the pro version, so all features are included. I chose to make this open source because sales have pretty much stopped completely and there are deep-rooted issues with the asset that I don’t want to…
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Razorlocks Pre-Alpha

Razorlocks Update – Music, Menus, & Loading Screen

It’s been difficult to make progress on Razorlocks during these trying times while being a full-time student, but I finally have new update ready. This version features music for each level, a pause menu with settings for graphics, audio, and controls, and a loading screen transition for entering and exiting levels. There are some other…
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Razorlocks Pre-Alpha

Razorlocks Update – Pre-Alpha

It’s been a while, but Razorlocks has a new major update. In fact, it’s so significant that I’ve decided to call the latest build a pre-alpha version, upgraded from prototype. The newest version of the demo features 3 new, complete levels. Each level is designed to represent a different level of difficulty, but since this…
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Powerslide Kart Physics

Powerslide Kart Physics – New Unity Asset Now Available

My new unity asset Powerslide Kart Physics has been released! It is based on the physics of my old game The Fastest Meal of the Day. While the core physics are very similar, pretty much all of the code has been significantly refactored and made more flexible. Familiar mechanics including jumping, drifting, and turbo boosting…
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Razorlocks Banner

Razorlocks Update – Character Redesign

The face of Razorlocks just got a redesign with a more interesting outfit and color palette. She is really starting to feel like a proper game character with new facial expressions and idle animations. Enemies have also been given an orange glow effect to make them more eye-catching. If you watched my last video, you…
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Razorlocks Banner

Razorlocks Update – Particles & Audio

Razorlocks now features particle and audio effects, greatly improving the feel of the game. Give the demo a try (or just watch the video) and let me know how well they mesh together with the gameplay. Next task is to redesign the character, mainly their outfit and color palette. Within a couple months I plan…
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Razorlocks Banner

Razorlocks Update – Enemies

A new version of the playable prototype of Razorlocks is now available, featuring three new enemies and improvements to the camera. Please let me know how it feels to fight with and play around the enemies so I can make adjustments if necessary. Other the next couple months I plan on implementing particle and audio…
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