Category: Razorlocks

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Razorlocks Update – Particles & Audio

Razorlocks now features particle and audio effects, greatly improving the feel of the game. Give the demo a try (or just watch the video) and let me know how well they mesh together with the gameplay. Next task is to redesign the character, mainly their outfit and color palette. Within a couple months I plan…
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Razorlocks Update – Enemies

A new version of the playable prototype of Razorlocks is now available, featuring three new enemies and improvements to the camera. Please let me know how it feels to fight with and play around the enemies so I can make adjustments if necessary. Other the next couple months I plan on implementing particle and audio…
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New 3D Platformer Prototype – Razorlocks

I’m happy to announce a new project I’ve been working on for a few months, Razorlocks, a 3D platformer emphasizing moving fast and leaping far. Core abilities include wall running, grappling, dashing, and spinning and can all be used to navigate levels in interesting ways. The title Razorlocks is derived from the way the character’s…
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